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Tag: money

Articles tagged as Money

Keyword Research - Considerations and Limitations for Successful Internet Marketing

Posted on November 15, 2024 by Young Magnan
As e-marketers you want to understand what folks are looking for if they search the web.Keyword research might help anticipate trends.Google Zeitgeist can be an entertaining source for aggregated info on Internet searches and all of the major se's release similar data.Keyword search data produces surprises along with realization because the Internet reveals undisguised preferences as surfers feel unobserved...

Five Ways To Win The Favor Of Search Engines

Posted on May 21, 2022 by Young Magnan
You've got a cool new website with all the works: cool Flash presentations, eye-catching colors, informative text, easy-to-use design, and an interesting topic.You think your site is amazing, and you know that others will agree with you.If only they know it exists.How can you make your website known? How can you make yours stand out among millions of others? You can spend a great deal of money on advertising, but that won't work if you do not have the money to spare on advertising...

SEO: When Being Optimized Can Hurt

Posted on February 9, 2022 by Young Magnan
It's a marketing dream come true: A potential customer, looking for what you need to offer, types a few words into her favorite search engine and voila! She is led directly to your website where she can go from "prospect" to "customer."The best part is, it did not cost you anything to reach the top of her results.Nevertheless, you have got a sale and your customer got what she was looking for.Sounds like the traditional win-win situation...